About Arzúa-Ulloa
Arzúa-Ulloa is a soft cheese that originates from Galicia, Spain. For centuries, local artisans have made this cheese using either raw or pasteurised milk.
Actually, this cheeses bears a DOP stamp which protects its geographical location of origin. Furthermore, the regulating body restricts its production to the milk from local Rubia Gallega, Pardo Alpina and Frisona breeds and their crossbreeds.
However, it is also available internationally as Queixo do Pais, which translates for “cheese of the land”.
Protected by DOP stamp
Moreover, the DOP also controls every step of the cheesemaking process, from coagulation with rennet to maturation. The minimum ripening period is 6 days for the young cheese and 6 months for the aged version.
Arzúa-Ulloa is typically shaped like a convex lens and has a very thin and elastic edible rind. Underneath, its soft pâte is straw coloured and usually quite compact. The young cheese has a milky aroma and flavours reminiscent of yoghurt, vanilla and walnut.
On the other hand, the aged version is much sharper with a slightly bitter aftertaste.
How to pair Arzúa-Ulloa
Grab a packet of artisanal Piquitos (bread sticks), congregate around the table and dig into the wheel of cheese to scoop out your bounty.
Leave at room temperature for at least 24 hours before serving. The pâte has to be very soft and almost oozy.
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