Made in Hampshire
Tunworth is a soft cheese made by Hampshire Cheeses using a Camembert inspired recipe in England.
The story of Hampshire Cheeses began in 2004 when Stacey Hedges, a cheesemonger from Sydney, Australia, moved to the UK and decided to make cheese.
After meeting with industry experts from around the country, Stacey decided to start making a Camembert-style cheese that could rival its French counterparts. Hence was born the Tunworth.
From kitchen to creamery
The operation soon expanded from Stacey’s kitchen to a fully equipped creamery and Charlotte Spruce, a Hampshire born-and-bred food-lover, joined the operation to establish Hampshire Cheeses.
Tunworth, hand-made from pasteurised cow’s milk, is different to most British soft cheeses because it has a thin wrinkly rind rather than the typical thick flat white coat. The rind is developed using a Geotrichum candidum mould that adds a signature earthiness to the cheese.
Under the white rind lies a straw coloured pâte that is rich and oozy with a distinct cabbage aroma. Furthermore, the flavour is milky, nutty and vegetal with subtle hints of garlic and salami.
How to serve Tunworth
Gently bake your Tunworth in the oven and let it ooze! Serve with lavosh or warm crusty bread and summer berries. Wash it down with a glass of Bordeaux or Beaujolais.
Pair with Stilton and a Clothbound Cheddar for the perfect Christmas cheese platter.
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